Finding real-estate price equilibrum in Slovakia4/2015 scientific articlesauthor Pavol LATTA, author Štefan RYCHTÁRIK, equilibrium price of housing, housing affordability15 October 2015
Some remarks on commuting to work in Slovakia based on the 2001 and 2011 censuses data4/2015 scientific articlesauthor Daniel MICHNIAK, commuting, commuting balance, population and housing census, spatial aspects of commuting15 October 2015
Mortality as an indicator of the health condition in population of Slovakia4/2015 scientific articlesauthor Gabriela NOVÁKOVÁ, author Marcela KÁČEROVÁ, health, mortality, Years of Life Lost15 October 2015
Fertility of women in Slovakia according to the 1930 population census4/2015 scientific articlesauthor Terézia ŠPROCHOVÁ, fertility, the 1930 Population Census15 October 2015
E-skills and the household use of information and communication technology in Slovakia4/2015 scientific articlesauthor Vladimíra ŽELONKOVÁ, computer and internet skills, digital literacy, e-skills, internet, quality of life, smartphone15 October 2015