• The scientific journal Slovak Statistics and Demography (hereinafter only „journal“) was published exclusively by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. Since 2024 the journal is published by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society. The journal is issued in both printed and electronic form.
  • The journal is chaired by the Editorial Board composed of professional experts representing various fields of statistics and demography. The editorial board is responsible for deciding which of the submitted articles should be published in the journal. Foreign consultants that cooperate with the journal, can evaluate individual issues of journal, prepare their own scientific articles and information, prepare review reports on articles and suggest the topics that are interesting for publishing.
  • An article is the author´s literary work including graphical elements – tables, graphs, maps and pictures – published in the journal in print form and in electronic form. The submitted article has the nature of a draft until approved by the editorial board.
  • An author is a natural person who prepares a research paper draft for the journal based on experiences gained from scientific research. An author should also be considered a natural person who is authorized by the editorial office or upon its own initiative to draw up a non-research paper draft – an information, publication review, note, gloss, interview etc. (hereinafter only “non-research paper draft). The drafts of research and non-research papers could be written by one or more authors (co-authors). Non-research paper drafts should also be governed by the principles of publication ethics.
  • The research paper drafts are subject to reviews. The review proceeding is mutually anonymous, i.e. the authors should not be given any information about the reviewers of their articles, similarly the editorial office should not disclose any information to reviewers on the authors of research paper drafts.
  • Review reports are not provided to the non-research paper drafts. Information, publication reviews, notes, glosses, interviews and drafts of other articles should be published only after the approval of the editorial board.
  • Slovak Statistics and Demography is journal with open access, which means that the whole content is freely available without charge to the users, with keep all copyrights and publishing rights of publisher. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, with condition cite the source.
  • All the published articles are protected by copyright. The copyright is maintained without restrictions. The Journal Slovak Statistics and Demography reserves the right for the first publication of the article. The author retains the right for further publishing without any restrictions. By consenting to publish the contribution (work) in the Journal, the author grants the publisher a license to publish the contribution in both electronic and printed form, to make reproductions of the work in both electronic and printed form, to sell copies of the Journal including the contribution, to use the whole or any parts of the contribution in promotional materials, to include the contribution in any database. The afore-mentioned provisions apply to the whole world, without any factual or time restrictions. The publisher is obliged to use the work exclusively with the author´s name and surname. License terms are stated in License agreement on the edition of work.
  • Information about the number of views of the basic characteristic of article and the number of downloads of the article and the complete issue of the journal is available for visitors to the website. Total number of downloads of individual issues of the journal: number of downloads of the complete issue of the journal from the archive of journal available on the website of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic ( + number of downloads of the complete issue of journal from this website, where is complete archive of journal since 2020.


Authors send drafts of articles to the editorial office, which is represented externally by the Executive editor. The Executive editor checks each delivered draft of article, the editorial office have the right to reject those proposals which do not correspond to the professional focus of the journal, do not respect its scientific nature, or if it was found that the submitted research paper draft didn’t followed the principles of publication ethics. The author should be acknowledged of acceptance of the research paper draft by the editorial office. The Executive editor reviews formal requirements of draft article pursuant to the author´s guidelines. The Executive editor edits the draft of an article and, if necessary, recommends the authors to make some contentual, stylistic, graphic and other changes in the text. After these modifications the author’s personal data (name, surname), workplace, professional curriculum vitae and author in properties of document are removed from the draft article. The process of choosing a reviewer of the draft of article is anonymous. The research paper drafts are subject to reviews, review reports are not provided to the non-research paper drafts. The drafts of other articles – articles of informative character (informative article, information, interview, review of the publication, opinion) may be published only after approval by the editorial board. The reviewers of research paper are recommended to the editorial office by members of the editorial board. When ordering the review reports, the Executive Editor should take care that the reviewers and the authors of the research paper drafts are not from the same workplace. The review proceeding is wholly anonymous, i.e. the authors should not be given any information about the reviewers of their articles, similarly the editorial office should not disclose any information to reviewers on the authors of research paper drafts. The review report is delivered to the author of the article without personal data (name, surname) of a reviewer and his identification is removed from the properties of the document. If the authors of research papers do not accept the suggestions and recommendations of reviewers, they have the right to inform the editorial board through the Executive Editor. Authors have the right to withdraw their research paper drafts if they do not accept the opinion of the editorial board. The editorial office is obliged to respect the authors´ decision. The Editorial board decides on publishing the drafts of articles in journal Slovak Statistics and Demography. The final opinion of the editorial board should be binding for the authors of drafts of articles.