• The reviewers of research paper are recommended to the editorial office by the members of the editorial board. When ordering the review reports, the Executive Editor should take care that the reviewers and the authors of the research paper drafts are not from the same workplace.
  • The reviewers should not be in conflict of interest with the authors and the funders of research which is the content of the research paper drafts. Reviewers should immediately report to the editorial office whether or not they can elaborate review reports on the submitted research paper drafts within the deadlines set by the editorial office.
  • The reviewer should elaborate a review report, and upon request of the editorial office should complete a special review report questionnaire, that concerns the quality, originality, invention and the contribution of the research paper. The review report and the special questionnaire should be submitted to the editorial office by e-mail in due time, and both of the signed documents should subsequently be forwarded to the editorial office in paper form (hard copy).
  • The reviewers evaluate the content and formal aspect of the submitted research paper drafts. They are obliged to pay attention to the possible professional malpractice of authors and other shortcomings of drafts as well. Reviewers should also notify the editorial office, if they discover that similar research papers have already been published in other journals or conference proceedings, or the authors have not used relavant sources for supporting their arguments.
  • A review report should be written in a clear, concise and comprehensible manner, if possible, helping to improve the final version of research paper draft in terms of form and content. An aggressive tone of the reviewer derogating the author and the reviewer´s personal criticism of the author are considered to be inappropriate.
  • Review reports must be objective and are confidential. The editorial office provides them anonymously (without names) exclusively to the authors of research paper drafts and to the members of the editorial board serving as a basis to decide whether the proposal should be published in the journal.