Zuzana Štukovská, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Number of pages: 133
Periodicity: 4 times a year
ISSN: 1339-6854 (online)
1210-1095 (printed version)
Complete issue
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The 2011 Population and Housing Census has ended
Zuzana Podmanická, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Census Hub – the new European system of processing and presentation of the 2011 Population and Housing Census results
Ivana Juhaščíková, Pavol Škápik, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Statistical disclosure control in the 2011 Population and Housing Census
Boris Frankovič, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Quality of religious affiliation measurement in Slovakia
Miroslav Tížik, Institute for Sociology of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic
Is the census motivational for the self-government? Knowledge and experience of the self-government´s participation in the 2011 Population and Housing Census in Bratislava urban part Rusovce
Oľga Gáfriková, Local Office Bratislava-Rusovce, Slovak Republic
Some possibilities of using the 2011 Population and Housing Census results in state administration, self-government and in the private sphere by territorial level
Branislav Šprocha, INFOSTAT – Demographic Research Centre, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Population Census in Slovakia – present situation and perspectives
Boris Vaňo, INFOSTAT – Demographic Research Centre, Slovak Republic
The preparation for censuses around 2020 began in the world. Slovakia will not avoid it as well.
Ľudmila Ivančíková, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Future census has to be a society-wide issue
Ľudmila Benkovičová, Zuzana Štukovská, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Census and us. Remarks at the 44th conference of the Czech Demographic Society in Prague
Ivana Juhaščíková, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
What makes statistical data valuable. Remarks at the 62nd plenary session of statisticians from around the world in Paris
Michal Katuša, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
The methodological change in the European system of national and regional accounts was affected also by globalisation
František Bernadič, Zuzana Štukovská, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Tomáš Želinský: Poverty and deprivation in Slovakia. Methodological aspects and experience
Róbert Vlačuha, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Modeling dependence of gross money income of one-person households in Slovakia from relevant factors
Erik Šoltés, Ondrej Dúžik, Faculty of Economic Informatics, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Models for managing risk in reinsurance
Michal Páleš, Faculty of Economic Informatics, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Reproduction of Slovak population during World War II, 1st part
Branislav Šprocha, INFOSTAT – Demographic Research Centre, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic