The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and some characteristics of mortality in Slovakia

Branislav Šprocha, INFOSTAT – Demographic Research Centre, Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Science, Slovak Republic

Pages: 59 – 74


The global pandemic of COVID-19 has significantly affected the epidemiological situation, health status and, in many cases, the mortality rates of several countries around the world. Although it initially seemed that Slovakia could be a certain exception, developments, especially in the last months of 2020, fully demonstrated the negative effects of this disease. We have witnessed not only a dramatic increase in the number of illnesses and the associated serious conditions requiring hospitalization, but also the number of deaths due to or with COVID-19 has gradually increased. From a demographic perspective, the impacts of the specific situation prevailing in Slovakia in 2020 can first be identified in the mortality process. This is also the main goal of the presented paper. We will attempt to identify the development of the main indicators of the mortality process in the last decade in comparison with the situation in 2020. Subsequently, we will try to point out the main causes of these changes through certain more advanced analytical techniques and determine the possible extent of COVID-19. Finally, we will try to estimate a possible picture of mortality rates in Slovakia without the COVID-19 pandemic.

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