Boris Vaňo, INFOSTAT – Demographic Research Centre, Slovak Republic
Number of pages: 48
Periodicity: 4 times a year
ISSN: 1339-6854 (online)
1210-1095 (printed version)
Complete issue
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Transformation of nuptiality of single persons in Slovakia through the optics of life tables
Branislav Šprocha, INFOSTAT – Demographic Research Centre, Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Science, Slovak Republic
Possibilities for solving the problem of nonresponse in analyses of data in censuses realized through questionnaire surveys
Milan Terek, The School of Management, Slovak Republic
Coronavirus in Slovakia and in Europe
Mikuláš Cár, Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society, Slovak Republic
Monitoring a moving median of the number of persons tested positive for coronavirus is incorrect
Iveta Stankovičová, Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Martin Boďa, Economic faculty, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic