The age structure of the population in the Slovak Republic and in regions and its projection up to 2030

Branislav Šprocha, INFOSTAT – Demographic Research Centre, Slovak Republic

Pages: 7 – 21


Population ageing, usually defined as a shift of population age composition towards the older ages. In Slovakia it is a consequence of lower fertility over the last years and increasing life expectancy. On the other hand it is also a consequence of previous population development which is reflected in the specific character of the age structure. Although, in the European area, Slovakia belongs among the countries with a relatively young population, but changes in the age structure in the last two decades show that the aging process is underway and it is gathering pace and Slovakia may be classified as a country with relatively old population. The aim of this paper is to point out the possible future population development in Slovakia and its regions by 2030 in the context of the population ageing.

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