Processing of passive mobile positioning data for use in the experimental population statistics

Martin Šveda, Michala Sládeková Madajová, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Institute of Geography Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic
Pavol Hurbánek, Konštantín Rosina, Institute of Geography Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic

Type of article: scientific article
Pages: 27 – 51


The mobile phone has become an integral part of everyday life and a unique source of data on the population, including its spatial distribution, mobility, and activities. The aim of this paper is to describe the conceptual and methodological approach of processing passive mobile positioning data and to address the following research questions: Can mobile positioning data provide meaningful information about the spatial distribution of the Slovak population. Can data from the mobile network be a meaningful complement to conventional population statistics, and what their limits are. The results of processing mobile network location data have yielded powerful results that can contribute to a deeper understanding of the spatial distribution of the population. Despite several limitations, we obtain prospective data suitable for diverse analyses at the regional and local level.

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