Nuptiality of single persons in Slovakia in the pandemic year 2020

Branislav Šprocha, Branislav Šprocha, INFOSTAT – Demographic Research Centre, Slovak Republic

Pages: 3 – 18


The global pandemic associated with the COVID-19 disease significantly affected not only the health status and mortality rates of the Slovak population, but in many ways paralyzed the normal functioning of our society. The adopted hygienic and epidemiological measures for the prevention of the transmission and spread of the disease, as well as the economic uncertainty and psychological effect of fear of an unknown situation could also negatively affect the decision-making processes of young people in the implementation of some long-term goals. Marriage related decisions can also be included in this group. The aim of the paper is to use the available data from 2020 to analyse especially the intensity and timing of nuptiality of single persons in Slovakia and its possible changes, associated with the specific situation in the pandemic year 2020.

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