Assessment of the statistical survey on heating systems and fuels consumption in households

Janka Szemesová, Marcel Zemko, Martin Petráš, Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Slovak Republic
Boris Frankovič, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic

Pages: 72 – 93


Residential sector is key category in terms of air emissions in Slovakia and represents approximately 10% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in Slovakia (within the energy sector-fuels combustion, the share of households is approximately 30%). The most important key categories of greenhouse gas emissions in Slovakia include the electricity and heat production, steel and iron production, cement and lime production and road transportation. Energy consumption in households is balanced according to particular fuels, mostly gaseous (natural gas), solid fuels (coal) and biomass (mainly fuel wood). Whereas data on gaseous fuels consumption is consistent and accurate due to the availability of statistics kept and provided by the natural gas suppliers, solid fuels and biomass consumption (mainly fuel wood) is not available and such a direct source of data is missing. Due to inaccuracies and inconsistencies recorded in previous years between the data reported by the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (data available in the database of stationary [1] air pollution sources – National Emission Information System (NEIS)) and the Statistical Office of the SR, experts from both institutions decided to improve and harmonize the provided data on the energy balance of households with individual heating. In 2017, the first pilot statistical survey of households within the project grant “Quality Improvement of Air Emission Accounts and Extension of Provided Time series” supported by Eurostat was successfully completed. The project results were published and presented at several events, such as the international conference “Air Protection in Slovakia” held in the High Tatras from 11 to 13 November 2019. Cooperation with the Statistical Office of the SR continued and resulted in to the second extensive statistical survey on a double sample of households in 2019. This activity with help of the relevant institutions and organizations confirmed the original results and improved information on household wood consumption. This article summarises the results of the second extensive statistical survey from 2019 and compared them with the results obtained from the pilot survey in 2017.

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