Alena Kaščáková, Zuzana Rigová, Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
Ľudmila Ivančíková, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Type of article: scientific article
Pages: 3 – 23
At the beginning of the 21st century, countries around the world are facing significant changes in the development of the number and especially the structure of the population, with the most significant trend being the ageing of the population. This phenomenon, which is particularly evident in developed countries, results in to an increase in social and health costs, putting increasing pressure on public systems. The concept of active ageing, which promotes the continued involvement of older people in different areas of life – social, economic, cultural and civic – was proposed as a solution to alleviate this burden and improving the quality of life of the seniors. The concept aims to keep older people active and participating in social event, thereby improving their quality of life and reducing public expenditure. The Active Ageing Index (AAI) was established to measure active ageing in European countries, and Slovakia has participated in this international assessment. The AAI combines data from four key areas: employment, social participation, independent living and supportive environment, using 22 indicators from the European surveys. The AAI was evaluated at the national level between 2010 and 2018, but a consistent sub-national methodology has not been developed and regional results are not known. This article assesses active ageing in the regions of the Slovak Republic, describes the methodology used and compares it with the methodologies of other European countries which have so far been devoted to the analysis of the regional differences in the level of active ageing.
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