Iveta Stankovičová, Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Number of pages: 102
Periodicity: 4 times a year
ISSN: 1339-6854 (online)
1210-1095 (printed version)
Complete issue
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Human development index: rating and classification of european countries by multivariate methods
Iveta Stankovičová, Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Alena Mojsejová, Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, Slovak Republic
Methods of selecting explanatory variables in classification trees
Hana Řezanková, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic
The use of simple methods of multi-dimensional comparison: the analysis of household debt
Viera Labudová, Faculty of Economic Informatics, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
The use of regression analysis at modeling of mortality in life insurance
Tatiana Šoltésová, Jana Kútiková, Faculty of Economic Informatics, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Mária Vojtková – Iveta Stankovičová : Multivariate statistical methods with applications in the sas software
Erik Šoltés, Faculty of Economic Informatics, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Median? Average? Or correct analysis of the problem?
Mikuláš Cár, Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society, Slovak Republic
State statistics during the Covid-19 pandemic
Helena Glaser-Opitzová, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
The impact of changes in the reproductive behaviour on the number, increase and age structure of the population
Boris Vaňo, INFOSTAT – Demographic Research Centre, Slovak Republic
Quality assessment of administrative data sources – theoretical and methodological aspects
Boris Vaňo, INFOSTAT – Demographic Research Centre, Slovak Republic
Ľudmila Ivančíková, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Possibilities of solving the problem of nonresponse in analyses of data from questionnaire surveys in censuses
Milan Terek, The School of Management, Slovak Republic
Gender equality
Michal Majtán, Futorology society, Slovak Republic